Blood Claim Read online

Page 9

  “Master?” Kara spoke in a most reverent voice.

  “Yes Kara, what is it you want?”

  “As the Baikov’s sire, I wish to see them before I leave. I would like spend a few days catching up; it has been a long time and as their sire, it is my right to see them, is it not?” She looked at me with malice as she spoke.

  “Yes, it is. We respect the line of siring, so you may see the Baikov’s but understand this…if you cause any problems, I will look poorly upon it.”

  “I understand, master, I only wish to reconnect with my Dante and check in on Tavian.” Her cruel smile told me that while she was not allowed to attack me, she would destroy me another way. A broken heart is hard to deal with when you were stuck living near the one you loved, if that person chose to love you no longer, in favor of someone else.

  “I plan to stay for a short while as well, Father, to make sure everything is handled per your specifications,” Enoch announced, looking at Kara rather than father as he spoke.

  “Very well, Enoch. I will take my leave of you now.”

  He came forward and embraced Enoch with a pat on the back. He came to me next, placing his hands on my shoulders “I am incredibly proud of you, my daughter. I know you will do well with this town. You are the best among us all.” Then he did something he had never done…he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me.


  I had heard some of what Irad had said to Dante. All the things I meant to tell him thrown in his face by my heartless brother. Enoch walked quietly beside me, along with Adelaide, as we made our way back to my home. I pulled out my cell phone and dialed Tavian. He didn’t answer so I tried Sarah.

  “Sophia! Thank God! Dante’s freaking out and we’ve been so worried.”

  “I’m sorry, but the good news is that Irad’s been banished from Maldera Springs, you’re safe, and the ceremony was a success.”

  “I know. Dante and Tavian could see a pentagram in the sky and they said they could feel the shift in the air.”

  “Can I talk to Tavian?”

  “He’s a bit busy right now. He’s trying to calm Dante down.”

  “It’s important. Sarah, you need to let him know that Kara is still in town and she’s coming to see them. You guys need to get out of there, or at least you do.”

  “Is that her?” Dante asked in the background.

  Sarah must have nodded. I heard the phone get yanked from Sarah’s hand with a “hey!” from her. She didn’t seem pleased with the aggression he used taking it from her.

  “Sophia! I know you’re there. I can hear you breathing.”

  My heart was breaking at the anger in his voice, but what did I expect? I’d lied to him and betrayed him. I betrayed the man I loved.

  “Fine, you don’t want to answer me. Then you can just listen… You should have told me. You lied and hid things from me that I should have known about. How could you? Stop crying, Sophia.”

  The tears were running down my cheeks. He hated me and would likely never forgive me. There was only one thing I wanted to say and then there was one thing I had to say.

  “I’m sorry, Dante,” I whispered as more tears filled my eyes.

  “You're sorry? That’s rich.”

  “Yes, I am. I know you don’t trust me and you probably won’t ever forgive me, but I want you to know… I love you. And I need to warn you that Kara’s on her way.”

  I was met with silence and then a thrashing noise, followed by a smooth, sultry voice. “Hello, my boys. Tavian, that’s no way to greet your sire.”

  Then, there was real silence, as the line went dead…


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  Twins of Aurora

  Sacred Fire- A Twins of Aurora Novel (book 2)



  Blood Claim: Book 1

  Resurrection Stone: Book2

  Shadowed Memories: Book3

  Dark Soul: Book 4

  Echo’s of Silence—Abel’s Slayers: Half-Blood Princess Book 5

  A Witch’s Mark—The Guardians: Half-Blood Princess Book 6

  Bound By Destiny—the Guardians Part 2: Half-Blood Princess Book 7

  Last Surrender: Book 8


  Immortal Blood: Book 1

  Keep an eye out for the rest of the Brothers stories!


  © 2012 by Magen McMinimy

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


  I kind of like to think of myself as a normal lady living a semi normal life. I’m not sure that’s all that accurate; I have a sweet husband and two dogs-my girls- that I think of as my children. I grew up in Sonoma County, California and I never pictured myself moving. Funny because now I live in North Idaho and I love it here, I love the summers; camping, bar-b-ques with friends, and the farmers markets. I find the winters magical and I love the snow. I left a lot of amazing friends and an amazing extended family. I met my now husband a few months after the move and was married to him in June of 2006. In 2008 I finished college and became a wedding planner. I love a good party and I live to decorate and make things beautiful and amazing for those around me. In 2010, I suffered a few medical setbacks and I am now considered legally blind and I work each day with a small amount of remaining vision in my left eye.

  I started writing as a hobby. I’ve been one of those people who are obsessed with the world of the paranormal for as long as I can remember. I self published my first book in August of 2011 at my husbands’ urging.

  Life is a constant balance of what we want and what we need. It's also a lot like a Battle. A battle that we all have to fight in our own way. I chose to try and love and cherish every minute that I get to chase my crazy dreams and create a world and characters to get lost in.






  “ . . . I love you. And I need to warn you that Kara’s on her way.”

  It hurt my heart to hear the words. I love her too. But how could she love me and not have told me any of this. She knew what I was from the very first time we met. And the shape shifting? . . . how was it even possible? What could I say to her right now the anger was seething in me. She could have died, I would have helped her, I could have protected her and still now I needed to know what happened and all she would say was that she loves me. And the bit about Kara, why would Kara come back now?

  Tavian let out a low, furious growl, then came sliding across the polished plank floor of our study.

  “Hello, my boys. Tavian, that’s no way to greet your sire.” That smooth voice announced her presence as she glided her way into the study.

  I dropped the phone and heard the back and the battery go scattering across the floor.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I missed you, Dante, aren’t you happy to me?” Kara cooed.

  She pouted her lips, and came towards me.

  “I haven’t given you a second thought in over a century. So I’ll ask again, what do you want here?”

  “I came on business for my boss, he was looking for Sophia.” She spoke her beautiful name with venom. “She carries your scent, so I had to come find you, I must
say she has turned out much like I had hoped, bedding one brother and feeding from the other. Quite the little vixen isn’t she?”

  I looked to Tavian as he was protectively pushing Sarah behind him. He wouldn’t have.

  Kara let out a sultry laugh that cooled the air around us.

  “He didn’t tell you. Well I assure you his scent lingers in her.”

  “Enough, I had no choice she drained well over a pint in you. To save your life Dante and she intended to take on her brother again she was asking to die if I didn’t help heal her.”

  “Mmm I can smell it Dante. . . You feel betrayed by that little half blood. She’s not woman enough for you.”

  “Perhaps not—“

  A gasp of pain drew my attention to the entry of the study. Sophia stood there with a large, dark haired vampire at her side. There was pain written all over her face, her big beautiful blue eyes saddened by what she’d heard. She had been beaten and bitten I could see smeared blood drying on that luscious neck of hers.



  I drove as fast as I could to get to the Baikov house. I swore that if Kara hurt any of them I would kill her. Enoch and I rushed thru the front door; being a vampire home he needed no invitation. He also knew I had very little fight left in me; it had been a hard night. We slowed as we came to the entrance to the study. I heard Kara talking then Tavian trying to reason with his brother, followed by the words that tore my heart in two.

  “Perhaps not—”

  The pain ripped thru my heart and a small gasp of pain escaped me, suddenly all eyes were on me and Enoch. My face must have registered the pain and the events of the evening; my cheek was still broken and I still had puncture wounds in my neck


  “Don’t bother Dante,” I could barely look at him as I spoke. “I’m here because of her.”

  “Me?” Kara asked with false innocence and was clearly enjoying the moment, I’d walked in at the perfect time for her; she got to see my face as Dante confirmed what I had already deep down known. He didn’t love me and there was no way for us to move forward together.

  “Yes Kara, you were warned not to cause any problem’s here.”

  “I’m not, I simply came to the Baikov’s as I told Cain, we were just having a friendly chat, are you so envious and insecure that you would throw me out because of the pain you brought on yourself?”

  “No I’m neither of those things, if the Baikov’s wish to have dealings with you then that’s their choice, but she” I gestured to Sarah. “Is off limits, I’m here to make sure you remember that.”

  She smiled “I’m not here for her; I’m here to see Dante.”

  I had to look away; I locked eyes with Tavian then with Sarah. “Sarah I think you should come with Me.” She nodded as Tavian walked her over to Enoch and me.

  I then turned to my brother “I’m getting her out of here. Will you make sure everything stays civil? Please.”

  He nodded and leaned low to quietly say. “I will do as you ask, will you be ok little Sophia?”

  “Yeah E.” I turned and walked away with Sarah tight at my side.

  “It’s going to be okay, she won’t harm them and you’ll be safe with me while we wait to see what she does.”

  “I’m not worried about me or them, I’m worried about you, no offense but you look like hell and well. . . A little heartbroken.”

  I laughed a low self deprecating laugh “Try totally heartbroken.”

  She wrapped an arm around me as we got in my car and drove to my home.

  My home, in Maldera Springs, where I would have to try to avoid the man I love for the next decade at least.

  “Adelaide and Enoch have the first floor guestrooms; I hope the upstairs guestroom will be ok.”

  “Its fine Sophia, it doesn’t matter where I sleep.”

  “There’s food in the fridge, if you’re hungry, I’m going to bed. I’ll see you in the morning Enoch should be home soon.”

  She may have responded to me but I didn’t hear anything. The sound of my heart breaking was all I heard as I replayed the conversation I’d walked in on.

  “He didn’t tell you; well I assure you his scent lingers in her.”

  “Enough, I had no choice she drained well over a pint in you. To save your life Dante and she intended to take on her brother again she was asking to die if I didn’t help heal her.

  “Mmm I can smell it Dante. . . You feel betrayed by that little half blood. She’s not woman enough for you.”

  “Perhaps not—“

  Table of Contents

  Blood Claim

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen


  Resurrection Stone

  Chapter One