Blood Claim Read online

Page 5

  “Well show us,” Sarah said excitedly from the other side of my fitting room door. I stepped out, both Sarah and Rachel smiled wide. Jordan wasn’t excited about helping me find a dress and she was nowhere to be seen.

  “Dante is going to lose it when he sees you in this; here try these on with it.” Sarah handed me a pair of matching suede platforms, with black glitter heels and a peep toe. I put them on and they really did pull the outfit together. “You have to buy this outfit,” Sarah squealed in excitement.

  “Alright…but I need a pedicure.”

  We all got new outfits for our night out. Sarah went with a red sleeveless dress that had a wide, black glitter belt that fastened at an empire waist; she paired it with a pair of black glitter wedges. Rachel went with a simple, moss green halter dress with brown suede, thigh-high boots. It complemented her auburn hair beautifully. Jordan on the other hand went all out sexy, with a pair of low rise, hip hugging, black leather, short shorts and a backless silver, shimmering top that buckled at the neck and waist, and a pair of black leather, knee-high boots.

  “Brandon won’t be able to take his eyes off me in this little number,” she cooed as she stared at me.

  The girls and I went, got our nails and toes done, and had a late lunch. When we got back to the hotel Tavian and Brandon were playing a video game on the PS3, and Dante was…

  “Where’s Dante?” I asked.

  Tavian answered as a giant spider attacked him on screen. “Ah, he’s in your room.”

  I went to the room I was sharing with him. He wasn’t in there, but I heard the shower running in our bathroom. I knocked on the door and opened it a crack.

  “Hey, I need to plug in my curling iron. Are you decent?”

  “Why don’t you come on in and find out?”

  Dante was in the shower and there was enough steam to fog up the shower’s glass walls. He slid the door back and peeked around it. With a suggestive brow wag and a seductive tone to his deep voice, he asked me, “You want to join me?”

  I looked at him with all the fake seriousness I could muster. “No, I don’t.”

  “You are lying!” he shot back to me.

  With a small chuckle, “You’re right, of course I want to join you, but I’m not going to.”

  “I’ll be good…I promise.”

  “I know you’ll be good, but I don’t think I can behave myself.” I winked at him and left the bathroom.

  Dante and I had ended up with the largest room and bathroom so the girls and I got ready in my room, while the guys hung out and waited for us. When I came out, the boys were all at the mini bar, having a drink…and Dante had once asked me if I was corrupting minors.

  They didn’t notice me right away, which gave me a chance to give the guys a once over; they all looked great, but Dante…oh Dante. He looked amazing in a pair of dark, fitted, indigo jeans with a slight bootcut flare, and a snap front, black woven shirt with the sleeves rolled halfway up his forearm; oh god he looked good. He finally looked up from his drink and at me. Without missing a beat, he strode towards me, taking me in his arms. With a fierce passion rivaling my own, he kissed me. After a moment, he moved his lips only a breath away from mine while maintaining eye contact.

  “You look amazing. You are always beautiful, but I must admit I like this outfit.”

  I blushed, a trait I could never shake. “Well Sarah did say you’d lose it when you saw the dress.”

  “She was right. I’d like to just keep you here, all to myself, but you look too good for me not to take you out and show you off.”

  “I’d say the same about you, but you haven’t seen your friend in a long time and he’s waiting for you. So we’d better go.”

  We had gotten a limo for the night. The club was packed, but we were able to get a booth large enough for all of us, including Dante’s friend, Mason. He was supposed to be meeting us there around nine. Tavian, Sarah, and their friends went dancing while we waited for Mason.

  “There you are, late as always, Mason.” Dante and I both stood to greet his friend.

  “It’s not my fault this time, Dante. I received a surprise guest this evening.”

  Dante raised a brow and then turned to me “Mason, this is Sophia. Sophia, Mason.”

  I extended my hand to him. He took it, kissing it rather than shaking it. “It’s nice to meet you, Sophia.”

  I drew my hand back, smiling. “It’s nice to meet you too.”

  “So who’s the mystery guest?” Dante inquired of Mason.

  “Here he comes. I’m sure you remember Sage.”

  Sage?...What were the odds? There had to be more than one Sage in the vampire world…right? My head turned in what felt like slow motion, to where Mason had gestured. I watched as the tall, athletically built figure came towards us.

  Oh. Crap.

  I would know that gorgeous Italian face anywhere, with its penetrating brown eyes and easygoing smile. I caught Sage’s gaze and silently begged him not to rat me out. As I felt the blood drain from my face, he didn’t miss a beat as he approached us.

  “Sage, how are you?” Dante asked.

  “I can’t complain, Dante. It’s been too long. How’ve you been?”

  “I’ve been great,” Dante said smiling and taking Sage’s hand in a firm handshake.

  “I can imagine; especially if this beautiful woman has something to do with it.” Sage smiled and held out his hand. I took with a grateful smile. “I’m Sage, sweetheart, what’s your name?”

  I finally let out the breath I’d been holding in. “I’m Sophia; it’s nice to meet you, Sage.”

  We all sat down, with me sitting between Dante and Sage. I could feel dark brown eyes burrowing into the side of head. Dante and Mason decided to go get us some drinks since our waitress hadn’t been by in a while.

  “Can I trust leaving Sophia with you, Sage?” Dante asked teasingly.

  “Absolutely, though I am looking forward to chatting with her.” He smiled at Dante then turned that smile on me. It said more than just friendly chitchat was in store for me.


  “What the hell is going on? What are you doing with Dante Baikov?” That easygoing smile had vanished.

  “Wait, aren’t you friends? It sure seems like it,” I responded, trying to avoid what he really meant by the question.

  “I’m serious; what is going on?” He relaxed, taking a breath he really didn’t need. “Okay wait, I’m sorry, first of all I should probably say it is so good to see you. I’ve missed you, kid.” He leaned over and gave me an unmistakable Sage bear hug.

  “I’ve missed you too, Sage, more than you can possibly know.”

  He smiled. “We don’t have a lot of time, so explain what’s going on? Why did I have to pretend not to know you? Finally, why’d you leave? He misses you.”

  I knew the he Sage was referring to was Ash, his younger brother. “I couldn’t do it anymore. I’m not the kind of woman he really wants or needs.”

  “Oh no, you’re wrong; you are most definitely what he wants, Ash loves you, he’s been looking for you, and he’s not the only one, Sophia.”

  “I know leaving hurt him, and that’s the last thing I ever wanted to do. You know I loved him. But love grows, and love changes, and sometimes it fades. My love for him never faltered. He was everything to me, but it did change, and I think now he’s in love with the thought of me. It’s just not the right kind of love anymore. Most importantly, I’m not a vampire and I can’t pretend and live as if I am. I needed a new life. Though I am sorry I ever caused him any pain and, for what it’s worth, I do miss him and I’ll always be grateful for the time we had together.”

  “I know you loved him. That’s something I have never questioned, but where does Dante fit in this new life of yours?”

  “I don’t know. But he’s not like most vampires and he doesn’t know who I am yet.”

  “Sophia, I don’t blame you for needing to figure out your own life, but leaving like you did,
it’s caused an uproar with Irad. He’s got a lot of bodies out there looking for you.”

  “I figured, but I’ve been looking for someone while I’ve been running…” I hesitated, not knowing how much I should tell Sage, but aside from Enoch, I trusted him the most of anybody, “and I found her.”

  “Her? Jesus Sophia, you found the ancestor?” His eyebrows went up with shock.

  I nodded. “Her name is Sarah. She’s Tavian’s girlfriend.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to protect her. I won’t let Irad get to her. Sage, promise me you won’t tell anyone you saw me.”

  “Oh Sophia,” he looked at me, warring with himself over the right thing to do. Hiding the fact that he found me from both his brother and mine was a lot to ask of him.

  “Ash is your brother and I know it’s been hard on him, but please Sage, your one of my best friends. You and E have always been there for me and I hate to ask but I need this from you.”

  “What about Enoch? He is actually encouraging Irad to find you. He’s worried about you.”

  “I’ll call him, I promise. Just don’t say anything until I do.”

  “Okay kid, whatever you need. Since I’ve seen you, do you think you could find the time to call me every once in a while?” His smile was back.

  “You bet! It’s been torture not hearing your voice.” I smiled and batted my lashes at him.

  “Yeah, yeah, you know I can’t resist you when you start flirting with me. But it is not going to make you disappearing for eight months ok. I’ve missed my daily dose of Sophia charm.”

  I laughed. Sage and I had always had a flirtatious friendship. It had always pissed his brother off to no end, but it was just us, just best friends.

  “You too seem to be getting along,” Mason noted as he and Dante returned. I smiled up at Dante as he handed me a drink.

  “That we are; you’ve got yourself quite a lovely young lady, Dante.”

  “Yes I do, Sage, so keep your paws off.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of putting my paws anywhere she did not invite me to put them,” Sage playfully shot back.

  I rolled my eyes. “Well, no one’s putting their paws anywhere right now. I’m going to go dance while you catch up with your friends.” I kissed Dante’s cheek and sauntered off to the dance floor.

  Seeing Sage had been one of those bittersweet moments for me. I missed him so much these past months and he reminded me of both Ash and of my own brother, Enoch. I did miss Ash, but not in the way he missed me. I didn’t love him like that anymore. I started dating Ash when I was sixteen. He was my first everything; first love, first kiss, the first man I had ever made love to, and truth be told, he took really good care of me. However, he taught me to be confident and to trust myself. And that’s what happened to our relationship. When I was eighteen, the only reason Irad had agreed to let me move out was because I was moving in with Ash. I put up with Ash’s bad habits for six years, until I’d had enough. He had a habit of bringing home woman to entertain and feed him. They were none the wiser as to what had happened to them when they left the next day, but I couldn’t help the jealousy it caused in me. After years of hearing I was beautiful, smart, sexy, and powerful, it finally sunk in and I decided I didn’t have to put up with it anymore. I told him that enough was enough and to decide, it was either his crude habit or me. He reminded me that vampires are sexual creatures and to remember that he wasn’t actually sleeping with them. That hadn’t made me feel any better. Also, they were his food. This was how he chose to feed, rather than employ his food.

  I left a week later, while he was busy with the latest stripper he’d brought home. That had been eight months ago and I haven’t once thought about going back.


  We had been back from Orlando for a week now. I had talked to Sage twice and had promised him I would call Enoch today. I was still at the Baikov home – my house would be ready to move into in a couple of days.

  I waited for the house to be empty. Dante and Tavian had gone out to run some errands and Sarah was spending the day with her dad. I sat in my room and dialed my cell, it rang once…twice…three times, then Enoch’s strong, certain voice answered.


  I took a deep breath. “Hi E, it’s me.”

  He was silent for a moment “Little Sophia.” I could hear the relief in his voice.

  I smiled. God, I had missed him. “Yeah, E, it’s me. How are you?”

  “I am much better now; I’ve been worried about you.”

  “I know, E, I’m so sorry. I never should have waited so long to let you know I was okay, but I was scared Irad would find out I contacted you.”

  I fought back tears as we talked. I assured him I was okay and that I was happy. I didn’t tell him about the Baikov’s or Sarah. I trusted Enoch, but I figured the less he knew, the better.

  “Sophia, you need to know that Irad’s narrowed down your whereabouts to four states; California, Idaho, Georgia, and Florida.”

  “Crap really? He’s closer than I thought he’d be. What about Father? Where does he stand on all of this?”

  “He won’t say anything yet. He’ll only step in if Irad goes too far, you know that, but he’s more curious than anything. Father came to visit last month. He’s wondering what you’re doing and why you left Ash.”

  “It just didn’t work out and I’ve moved on. I got word that Irad is furious. I’m sorry to leave you to deal with him, E.”

  “Oh, little Sophia, don’t you worry about it, I’m used to Irad’s tantrums. I’ve had many millennia to learn to deal with him.”

  I laughed. It was true my brothers were very old.

  “Sophia, will you be coming home?”

  “No E, I’m sorry. I have a few things left to figure out and to take care of, but I promise I will call you as often as I can.”

  “Alright. I miss you, little Sophia.”

  “I miss you too, E.” A tear streaked down my cheek. “I gotta go. I love you, E.”

  “I love you too, little Sophia.”

  I hung up my phone and grabbed a pillow to bury my face in as I cried a few tears into it. I took a couple deep breaths and swallowed back the rest of my tears. I decided to head into town. I needed some retail therapy.

  I hit a few of the local boutiques and then went into Jitter Beans, where Rachel worked as a barista.

  “Hi Sophia! What can I get for you?” Rachel had the perfect bubbly personality, and bright smile, for this kind of job

  “Umm, a blended, low fat mocha.”

  “Whip cream?”

  “No, thank you,” I said, pulling my sunglasses off.

  Rachel gave me a concerned look “You okay, Sophia?”

  Crap, my eyes must be puffy. I put my glasses back on and smiled. “Oh yeah, just a hard day is all. I’m fine, but thanks for asking.”

  I took my drink and sat at one of the tables. I kept my puffy eyes hidden behind my big, dark sunglasses. I heard Rachel in the back; she was on the phone with…Sarah. She was worried about me. I heard her tell Sarah I looked like I’d been crying. When she came back from her break, I thanked her for the coffee and said goodbye.

  I didn’t want to answer any questions right now so I didn’t want to go back to the house. I wanted a little time to myself. I went to the Maldera Springs Inn; they had vacancies so I got a room. I climbed on the hard bed, pulling my knees to my chest, and lowering my head. I had many things to figure out, just like I had told Enoch. I don’t know how long I sat like that. I was snapped out of my daze when my phone rang; it was Dante.

  I answered. “Hey Dante, what’s up?”

  “Not much, I was just worried about you. Sarah went to find you at Jitter Beans, after Rachel called her and said you looked like you were upset. She called me when you weren’t there and she couldn’t find you. Are you ok?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m sorry everyone’s worried but I’m okay.”

where are you?”

  “I got a room for the night.”

  He was silent for a second. “Why?”

  “Don’t worry; it’s not a big deal. I had a hard day and I didn’t want to bring anyone down with my poor mood.”

  “Sophia, what happened?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it. But everything’s fine.”

  “Okay, we don’t have to talk about it, but I’m here for you if you need me.”

  “I know.” Talking to him was making me feel better and I really wanted to see him. “Give me an hour or so, and then I’ll meet you at your house.”

  “Okay, I’ll be waiting for you.”

  I smiled. “Thanks, Dante.”

  I hung up, took a shower, put on some of the new clothes I’d bought, and left for the Baikov home.

  Dante was the only one home when I got there. He wrapped me up in a tight embrace and placed a kiss on the top of my head as I rested my face on his chest.

  “You okay?”

  “I’m good now,” I whispered while squeezing him back.

  We went to the study where he poured me a drink and we sat together on the loveseat.

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  I shrugged. “I talked to E today. It was hard. I miss him and he’s stuck dealing with Irad’s fury over me leaving. It’s a hard, weird family dynamic. And my fears were substantiated and Irad’s close to finding me. I have things to take care of.”

  “Sophia, are you afraid of him? Tavian and I won’t let him hurt you.”

  “It’s so hard to explain. I’m not afraid of him hurting me…well no worse than he has before. I’m worried about the trouble he’ll cause and I know he’s going to try to make me go back. Dante,” I took his hand, “there’s a lot I haven’t told you about and a few things I haven’t been completely honest about. I want to tell you everything in detail, but I’m not ready to share all the skeletons in my closet. What I will say is this – Irad is embarrassed by my leaving. When I moved from my home, it wasn’t just a friend I moved in with; it was my fiancé from an arranged marriage. I told you my family was old school. At sixteen I was introduced to the man I would eventually marry. I fell in love with him. He wasn’t a bad man and he took really good care of me, but he had habits that I couldn’t live with. As time went on that love faded and changed. We planned to marry when I turned twenty-five. I left three months before my twenty-fifth birthday.”