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Immortal Craving: Immortal Heart Page 3

  “Yes, my Lord.” She found the proper amount of respect needed when addressing her leader.

  “So tell me what you were doing on the Lights land and consorting with the Immortal Warrior, Kale?”

  Katarina’s eyes widened with understanding. He knew about them, but how? They’d been so careful; the only ones who knew about them were his brothers and his leader, Rowan.

  Darion smirked at her. “That’s right. Would you like to hear how I know?”

  Katarina didn’t respond. The question was more rhetorical then an actual question deeming an answer.

  “Imagine my surprise when I got a visit from Rowan and her Warriors, telling me one of my subjects had trespassed on her lands. Seems whatever you had with the Warrior has passed. They called for your immediate execution—claimed you used your Succubi gifts against the warrior.”

  “No…” Katarina shook her head. Kale wouldn’t... he loved her. “No, that’s not true. He loves me.”

  “Ah, such a stupid girl with stupid notions of love… They believe you used your Succubi powers in an attempt to snare the warrior in your web.”

  “I would never… and there’s no way Kale thinks that—it’s not true.” Katarina eyes narrowed with anger. She would never use her body against Kale… not in the way Darion was implying.

  “I assure you it is. They wanted your head. But you see I am more forgiving. You won’t be sentenced to death, but you will remain my prisoner.”

  Katarina shook her head. Kale wanted her dead? He thought she had used her Succubi gifts to make him love her? She felt the warm trail of tears stain her cheeks as she took in her situation. She was a prisoner now because she fell in love with the wrong man.

  She’d been young and so foolish back then, and yet somehow her heart was still as irrational—still longing for something that had only broken it all those years ago.

  She was aware of everything about Kale. He was different somehow; she saw it in the depths of his dark eyes. She’d gotten a good look at him in that alley. The facial hair did little to hide that baby face she had loved studying, his eyes were as dark as always, bottomless orbs of heat—melted chocolate as she’d always thought of them.

  The piercing on his eyebrow was new, as were the tattoos peeking over the collar of his shirt. He was handsome, even more so with that edge of danger that now surrounded him. He was the proverbial bad boy.

  An intense heat low in her belly, which she hadn’t felt in a decade, flared to life. She was a Succubus. She’d taken lovers since Kale, but none had caused that chain reaction on her nerves—the one that left her flushed and aching.

  With a deep groan, Katarina pulled the pillow from beneath her head and held it against her face to muffle the frustrated scream that was manifesting in her throat. A scream of anger, betrayal and so help her—need and lust.

  Chapter Six

  “What does our fearless leader need so early this morning?” Bain asked with a smirk.

  His ringing cell phone had interrupted his morning routine. For the past few months, he’d spent the first hour or so of every morning watching his sweet Izzy sleep. It was the perfect start for any day.

  Cree chuckled. “I’m looking for Kale. Is he still with you?”

  Bain grumbled as he slipped from his and Izzy warm bed, pulling on a pair of pants as he crept silently from their room to answer Cree without disturbing her.

  “As far as I know. He’s probably still sleeping. He got in a little late last night.”

  “He’s not answering his phone, and Uriah’s on his way there. I have something for them to look into.”

  “Everything alright?” Bain asked as he padded down the hall.

  “Possible Fae kill from last night. I need him and Uriah to go check it out and I need you and Izzy to get back here. Lothar and I need to follow a lead on the Drifters and Makyle is coming this afternoon for Izzy’s feeding.”

  “So all in all, it’s going to be a busy day,” Bain noted dryly.

  “Yes, and I’d rather Rowan not be left here alone. She doesn’t seem to be handling alone time all that well lately.”

  Bain grunted. He’d seen the change in his sister; the effects of standing up to and kicking their mother out were taking a toll on her. She was struggling with her decision.

  “Izzy and I’ll head back there in an hour or so, and I’ll get Kale up. Do you want to talk to him or can Uriah fill him in?”

  “Uriah knows the details and where to meet Lucas.”

  “Good deal. I’ll get the coffee going and get Kale up.”

  “Alright, brother. I’ll see you and Izzy later.”

  Bain hung up as he moved around the kitchen, putting the grounds in the coffee maker and pouring the water. He smiled at the bitter aroma that was slowly filling the room.

  “Rise and shine. You’ve got work to do,” Bain said brightly as he threw open the cream-colored curtains in the guest room that had become Kale’s second hideaway, bathing the soft-colored room with bright sunshine.

  “What time is it?” Kale groaned.

  “Time to get up, Uriah should be here soon. Cree has a mission for the two of you.”

  Kale sat up, giving Bain an irritated look. “Is that coffee I smell?”

  Bain smiled and nodded, picking up a pair of jeans off the floor and chucking them at Kale. “Get dressed. There was a Fae kill last night you and Uriah are going need to go meet with Lucas.”

  Kale entered the kitchen a few minutes later in last night’s rumpled clothes and mussed hair. He ran his hands over the black locks, flattening down the more unruly strands. It was time for a haircut.

  “Good morning, little brother,” Uriah’s bright voice called out to Kale from the living room where he sat with Bain and a giant mug of coffee.

  Kale grunted, not ready for the bright disposition that was his middle brother—rarely was Uriah not in a good mood. Kale wasn’t sure where he found his cheery attitude, but some days it itched at Kale and made him want to revert back to their childhood where he would have thrown something at his brother’s head. With a full cup of coffee in hand, Kale joined Bain and Uriah in the living room.

  “What’s going on, brother?” Kale asked as he lowered himself in a white, overstuffed armchair.

  “We have a possible Fae kill from last night. Lucas is waiting for us at the morgue.”

  “What kind of Fae?” Kale asked, sipping the hot, sweetened liquid from one of Izzy giant coffee mugs with a serious-looking smiley face telling him to ‘Suck it up’.

  “Lucas says it looks like a Succubus kill.”

  Kale stilled, his mug halfway to his lips. His eyes darted to Bain, who showed no signs of having known what Uriah was about to say.

  “So Cree thought I was the right warrior to deal with it?” Kale noted sarcastically.

  “Not exactly; Bain and Izzy have to go back to meet Makyle and he and Lothar are running down a lead on the Drifters, and well… you have to admit that you’re the Succubi expert.”

  Kale’s eyes narrowed. Kat hadn’t been some sort of experiment for him—he hadn’t fallen for a Succubus so he could become the expert on her species. While part of Kale knew Uriah had meant no offense, and he knew it had everything to do with the Succubus from last night and nothing to do with his brother, the comment pissed him off nonetheless.

  Kale left the living room, washed his mug, and headed out the back door, calling out to Uriah, “Let’s go.”

  Uriah looked to Bain, who shook his head.

  “Open wound, my brother, open wound.”

  Uriah let out a hefty breath. “It’s been over a decade, sometimes I forget.”

  Bain dipped his chin. “Yes, but Kale never will and a Succubus got away from him last night.”

  Uriah’s brows rose. “Why was he after a Succubus last night?”

  “Not sure. He felt her power after we left the arena and followed her.”

  “Ah, that’s right; you went to watch Raw last night. What did Izzy think of

  “Izzy thought it was ridiculous watching grown men throw each other around a ring and talk smack like a male version of a soap opera,” Izzy said as she moved down the stairs with a hungry Garcia hot on her heels. “Even more ridiculous was the grown-ass men I was with who hooted and hollered at the action.”

  Uriah laughed. “So you didn’t enjoy yourself?”

  Izzy smiled. “I can’t lie... I totally got caught up in the ridiculousness of it all and truly had fun.”

  “I knew you loved it, Iz!” Kale yelled with satisfaction from the back door. “Now, let’s hit it, Uriah.”

  Chapter Seven

  “What do we have?” Kale asked Lucas as he and Uriah pushed through the swinging door of Sacred Mercy Hospital’s morgue.

  Lucas was your typical former Marine—skull-cut hair, thick build, scrutinizing deep eyes, and a no-nonsense stance. He was a leader; perfect for running Hawk’s Eye security.

  Lucas also worked closely with Trevan; a Siren who worked for the Light Fae in a special task force of the FBI. It was important that the Light Fae have people infiltrating both local law enforcement agencies—near all portal areas—and government agencies for any Fae that passed through into the Human World and made their way past local law enforcement. Staying hidden from humans was the one thing Rowan and Darion agreed upon.

  “It’s a Succubi kill,” Trevan stated, his thick arms crossed over his broad chest, which caused his suit jacket to strain at the seams.

  Kale’s eyes darted from one man to the next, starting at Trevan, moving to Lucas, and finally settling on his brother.

  Uriah’s brows knitted together. “Why does one Succubus kill have you standing here looking so concerned, Trevan?”

  “Because it’s not just one kill,” Lucas grunted out, obvious irritation deepening his already gruff voice.

  Uriah and Kale both shot accusatory glares at Lucas; it was his job to keep them informed and to track any and all possible Fae activity in the Human World.

  Lucas shook his head, the thin line of his lips an obvious indication that he was pissed off. “I didn’t know; seems our special agent has been keeping some rather important activity from me.”

  “This is the third Succubi kill in as many weeks; they’ve been spread over multiple states and crossing jurisdictional lines. I’ve been working on it,” Trevan offered as an explanation.

  “Why?” Kale demanded. “Why would you hide this information from us?”

  “I had it under control, but Lucas got word of this kill and contacted Cree before I could contain it.”

  “We pay you to contain these issues from the humans, not from us.” Uriah had lost his bright and cheery tone for a more disappointed and reprimanding one.

  “I had my reasons,” Trevan stated simply.

  “Well, I suggest you start talking. It’s share time, big man.” Kale crossed his arms and waited expectantly.

  Trevan eyes shifted between the three men staring him down, before a long suffering sigh escaped his parted lips.

  “My sister is a Succubus, our father’s an Incubus, and my mother’s a Siren. We aligned ourselves with the light, but Jaylyn had trouble controlling her Succubus side and went to the Dark for help. Darion seems to have a thing for Succubi; we haven’t seen or heard from Jaylyn since.”

  “What does that have to do with these kills? Do you suspect your sister is the Succubus in question?”

  Trevan shifted his weight back and forth between his feet.

  It was a twitchy move that didn’t settle well with Kale.

  “Trevan, I suggest you come clean and do it quickly. I had a long night and I am lacking in the patience department,” Kale told the shifty Siren.

  “It’s not Jaylyn; I would know her magic. I have been in contact with a Succubus who’s been helping me to track this killer though.”

  “It feels like there is a lot more to this story that you’re not telling us,” Uriah noted, his gray eyes boring into Trevan.

  Trevan eyes shifted, but he showed no sign of giving them anymore answers.

  Uriah shook his head. “Time to go see Rowan then.”

  Trevan dropped his head; the last thing he wanted was to explain this to his leader. “No.”

  “You’re not giving us much of a choice here, Trevan. Your job is to keep our existence from the Human World, not to hide Fae kills from us. So we’ll head back to Hawk’s Eye and on the ride over you can decide if you want to fill us in or if you need Rowan here as incentive. Either way you look at it, you will be explaining,” Kale said as he ushered Trevan from the Morgue.


  “I kept you waiting.” Izzy gave her most apologetic smile as she rushed to meet the member of the Immortal Four, who was giving her a future with Bain. “I’m sorry.”

  Makyle stood stiff and stoic as he always did; Izzy still hadn’t been able to get a true read on him. Makyle was an enigma. He was an Underworld ruler with a dry sense of humor, who often spoke in riddles, but seemed to have a soft spot for her. He was more than just her link to immortality—he was something of a teacher and he often looked upon her as a child. At times, Izzy was irritated by that last part, but she never questioned Makyle’s motives.

  Makyle smirked. His dark features lightening with the twitch of his full lips. “Somehow, Isabelle, I’ve gotten used to waiting on you. I’d ask what kept you, but we both know the answer would be the same as always... Bain.”

  Izzy bit her bottom lip and smiled. What could she say? The man was right.

  “Sorry,” she said and breezed past him into Rowan’s study.

  They had been using Rowan’s study for Izzy’s feeding. There was a certain amount of intimacy in the feedings, enough so that she never wanted to be in a space that was meant for her and Bain.

  Izzy had questioned Bain after her first feeding; not liking the thought that it was the same for him when he feed from Meriah. However, Bain explained that after five hundred years of feeding from the Immortal Three it was no more than second nature and strictly about the transfer of power.

  Izzy had been embarrassed by the need the feedings lit in her, and while Bain wasn’t very happy about the feelings Makyle’s blood caused in her, he was always ready to remind her why she was doing this and who she truly needed. For the first month and a half, Bain had been right there for each of her feedings. As soon as Izzy’s lips left Makyle’s skin, Bain had carried her off like a caveman. But Izzy was finding her control and though as soon as they were done she would be off to find Bain, she no longer felt the needed to find him in bed... Well, she always liked finding Bain in bed, but the feedings were getting easier.

  “Were you in the Human World this morning?” Makyle asked as they sat on the pale settee.

  “Yeah, Kale dragged us out last night.”

  Maklye nodded. “And how is young Kale?”

  Izzy arched her brow. It was an odd question. Makyle never asked about the warriors. “He’s ok. Bain said he’s fighting demons.” Izzy shrugged. “There’s still a lot I don’t know about the brothers.”

  “Kale’s demons run deep,” Makyle said softly.

  “What do you know?” Izzy asked, a small amount of suspicion bleeding into her tone.

  Makyle smiled. “I know that things in Kale’s past are not what they seem, and somehow they remain hidden even from Cree.”

  Izzy smirked. “Cryptic as always, Makyle.”

  Makyle’s head dipped as he sliced his wrist and held it out to Izzy. “Let’s worry about your future right now. Kale’s will play out as it was foreseen.”

  Izzy shook her head and took Makyle’s wrist in her palm to lift it to her lips. She wanted answers about Kale. She wanted to know what caused that haunted look in his deep eyes. The look that broke her heart when she’d glimpse it… He was good at hiding it most of the time but she’d still seen it more then she cared to admit. Kale was like a brother and she worried about him, but Makyle wouldn’t be providing any answers today.

/>   Chapter Eight

  Lucas closed the door to one of Hawk’s Eye conference rooms, closing himself, Kale, Uriah, and an unhappy Trevan inside.

  “Are you going to talk to us or do we need to disturb Rowan to get answers from you?” Kale asked, taking a trick from Bain’s playbook and flipping his chair backward to straddle it.

  It gave the impression that Kale was unbothered by the events of the morning. But it was quite the contrary. Too much was going on. He’d followed a Succubus last night that had a Trow as a bodyguard, he learned from a Brownie that a Succubus was helping those who’d escaped the Middle World—through the Drifters portal—to get settled in the Human World, and now on top of all that he had to worry about the Fae holding one of their more valuable positions in the Human World. Who had admitted he was working with a Succubus. It seemed all roads led to Succubi.

  Kale was at odds. Based on what he’d been told, whoever these Succubi were, they seemed to be helping those in need.

  However, based on his personal experience, and granted that was with one Succubus… he didn’t trust them. It sounded unjust, even in his own mind. He didn’t trust the entire species based on a bad experience with one. He was taking more than a seating position from Bain’s book; he was seeing Succubi like Bain saw Vampires. Kale focused his thoughts and started in on Trevan.

  Trevan sat in one of the hard, utilitarian-style conference chairs. He had a feeling the chair was designed to make him uncomfortable—the three men hovering in the room added to the unpleasant ambiance. But uncomfortable or not, he really didn’t want Rowan brought in on this.

  “No,” Trevan answered. “I’ll answer any questions you have.”

  “Good, let’s start with the Succubus. Who is she?”

  “She was a prisoner of Darion’s. I met one of his guards when I was searching for my sister. He told me the story about Darion’s obsession with Succubi.”

  “What kind of obsession?” Uriah asked, taking the words right out of Kale’s mouth.