Immortal Craving: Immortal Heart Read online

Page 18

  Kat shook her head, a few tears dropping off her long lashes.

  “I had one more thing I had to do. I had to save them and I couldn’t let you help. These women,” she gestured to the Succubi and Juliette—who was standing rather close to Jake—watching them. “We rescued them from Darion’s castle.”

  Kale’s eyes went wide as they stared at her. “You returned to the Dark Lands and broke them out of Darion’s castle?”

  Kat nodded.

  “Are you crazy? You know I would have gone with you,” he said as he pushed a few errant blonde strands from her face and tucked them behind her ears. Her emerald eyes glistened with the tears that welled in them.

  “I know,” she managed, “but you couldn’t. I had to do this without the help of you or your brothers.”

  Kale’s brows pinched slightly. Kat ran her thumb over the strained skin between his brows. “Trust me, you couldn’t help. You needed to stay safe so I could make the last fifteen years up to you. I love you, Kale, and I don’t want to spend one day away from my true mate. So, if you still want me… I’m all in.”

  “I want you, Kitten,” Kale said before he slammed his lips to hers.

  Cree and Rowan watched Kat and Kale from their perch on the third floor where they had a personal portal. Cree smiled as he looked to Rowan.

  Rowan smiled, her own tears threatening to spill over. “Our youngest warrior is going to be fine,” she said as she wrapped an arm around Cree’s waist.

  “That he will—we haven’t heard the last of Darion though. He will retaliate now that he’s lost his Succubi.”

  Rowan nodded. “It’s a problem for another day. Right now we have a group of Fae, who deserve better than they’d ever been given, to attend to.”

  Cree looked into Rowan’s lavender eyes—he knew what she chose. Things were clearer now, but still he wanted to hear her choice from her own lush lips. “What will you do with the Succubi?”

  Rowan cast her eyes to the group below them. “I will offer them a choice. Either way, they will have sanctuary.”

  Cree nodded… and the Light would have a war, a war he couldn’t know the outcome of. Not yet anyway…

  Cree caught the gaze of the Seer who had blocked him. She nodded at him, her fisted hand held over her left breast.


  Katarina had essentially made the first strike of war against the Dark. Word was spreading that the Immortal Brothers were closing in on the Drifters and searching for the unguarded portals.

  A few weeks ago, Bain, Uriah, and Kale had gotten a hold of a male Brownie the Drifters had helped through the Portal. The Brownie knew nothing about the ones who helped him once in the Human World and the only name he’d heard were Master and Mistress.

  And she was the one they called Mistress and the one who had helped the Brownie family a few months back. She was thankful for the title right about now. She was pretty sure the family was grateful enough towards her for all she’d done to help them that they wouldn’t have ratted her out even if they did know more about her.

  But still, all this new information and the significant presence of the Immortal Brothers had her wanting to bit her nails.

  Stalking the mostly bare halls of the large estate overlooking a desert oasis, her breath was coming heavily. Things were heating up around her and the Fae who were still escaping from Darion’s rule. If she had her way, all Darion would be left to rule over were the few derelicts that lived to serve him. The rest of the Dark Fae would either move to the Human World or take over Darion’s land and thrive.

  With a deep breath, the scent of lemon polish filled her lungs. She entered the dimly lit library. The one she referred to as Master in front of his staff sat at a large, dark oak writing table. He lifted his gaze, spearing her with his heated amber stare. He was an attractive man. His dark eyes were such a drastic contrast to his pale, taut skin.

  Pushing his attractiveness aside, he was one of the good ones and she loved that about him.

  “Ello’ Mistress,” he smirked. “I have a new Fae family coming in tomorrow night. They’ll need special consideration.”

  Her brow lifted. “Why? What kind of Fae are they?”

  “The parents are both Dawn Fairies, but their daughter is Asrai.”

  Oh man, she thought and sighed. So, no apartment for this family.

  Fairies needed lots of water.

  She nodded.

  “The Boise house would be perfect for them then.” She smiled, knowing his rule of no more than one week. Meaning she had one week to find them a place.

  Dark amber eyes twinkled at her and a quick wink told her he knew she was trying to bait him—to mess with his cool exterior.

  “My home will be perfect for them for no more than a week. Besides, it’s going to be occupied here shortly.”

  “Ok, I might need more funds for them. I can’t put Dawn Fairies and an Asrai in an apartment.”

  Asrai were few and far between, and truly beautiful Fae, but much like the Trow, their chemistry was complicated.

  The Asrai are aquatic fairies. In appearance, the Asrai look like youthful children until around their twentieth year, then they take the form of beautiful young woman and can live to be hundreds of years old. When in the water, they appear to have webbed feet and hands, which was easy enough to hide. The real issue was their sensitivity to sunlight and by sensitivity... Well, it really meant that if an Asrai is caught in the sun, or if sunlight even touches them, they will perish, melting into a pool of water.

  That was why most Asrai lived in the deep, wooded swamps in Darion’s land. It would have taken a lot for this girl’s parents to choose to leave the Middle World and risk coming to the Human World.

  “I agree and I have a few ways to make it easier for the Asrai.”

  “I’m listening,” she said, leaning forward in her seat.

  “Have you ever heard of Photosensitivity?”

  “No,” she shook her head.

  A stack of papers were pushed towards her with a slew of pictures with people with severe rashes, some even with swollen eyes and faces.

  “What is this?” She grimaced at the pain these people must have been feeling when the pictures were taken.

  “It seems some humans have a severe reaction to the sun, so I did some research and found a few things we can do to make this girl comfortable in this world, keep looking.”

  After flipping through the pages, she finally lifted her head, a wide smile spreading across her face. “Oh, this is good. I’ll take care of it. Now, let’s talk about the Immortal Brothers.”

  “Leave them to me,” he said, his lightly accented voice telling her he already had a plan. “Don’t forget, we’re on the same side,” he reminded her.

  “Are we?” she asked. “They were going to hunt Brie down. Are we really on the same side?”

  “Katarina is back with her warrior and they’ve stopped their search for Brie.”

  She nodded. “Just be careful; there are others who rely on you that need to be kept from the warriors.”

  His tall, athletic frame rose from his chair and moved to lean on his desk in front of her. He reached for her hands and pulled her between his opened legs, placing her arms around his neck. “You’re safe and so is everyone in my coven. I love you, Syna. That won’t ever change and I will always keep you safe.”

  Her breath tickled the skin of his neck as she moved her lips to his ear. “I love you too, Evan.”

  Their moment was interrupted when a light knock sounded on his door.

  “Evan?” a soft, shaky voice called out to him as the door pushed open. “Oh, sorry. Hey, Syna,” the petite vampire said, her curly, honey-colored waves falling around her face, framing her worried amethyst eyes.

  “Hey,” Syna replied before pressing a kiss to Evan neck. “I’ve got work to do. I’ll see you both later.”

  Evan smiled and watched Synawen leave. “You look panicked. What’s wrong, Holly?”

  “Bain a
nd Rowan—what’s going on with my family and the warriors?”

  Also By the Author

  I hope you enjoyed this book! If so please consider posting a review, it’s a great way to help others find a good book to enjoy!


  Twins of Aurora

  Sacred Fire- A Twins of Aurora Novella (book 2)


  Half-Blood Princess

  Blood Claim: Book 1

  Resurrection Stone: Book2

  Shadowed Memories: Book3

  Dark Soul: Book 4

  Echo’s of Silence—Abel’s Slayers: Half-Blood Princess Book 5

  A Witch’s Mark—The Guardians: Half-Blood Princess Book 6

  Bound By Destiny—the Guardians Part 2: Half-Blood Princess Book 7

  Last Surrender: Book 8

  North American Pack

  Primal Hunger

  Immortal Heart

  Immortal Blood: Book 1

  Immortal Craving: Book 2

  Keep an eye out for the rest of the Brothers stories!


  A Paranormal Anthology with a TWIST

  Excerpt From TWIST

  I am Serna


  Magen McMinimy

  “So this is her?” Damon looked at the smiling woman depicted in the photograph. She was beautiful—with long mahogany hair, jade-colored eyes and a lithe, almost athletic build.

  “Yes, she’s in a small town in California.”

  Damon looked from the picture to the White Witch standing in front of him. He didn’t know the Caldwell Witch who’d approached him, but she knew who he was.

  “You say Paige told you about me?” Damon asked, swishing the deep amber liquid in his tumbler.

  The Witch nodded. “So will you help my niece?”

  Damon took another peek at the picture. “Why does Serna want her?”

  The Witch snickered. “Why does the Witch Queen ever want a White Witch? Ariel is young, but her power already surpasses even my own. In four years she will be a force to be reckoned with and a match for Serna.”

  Serna was a sickness on the magical community, a Dark Witch with a title she never deserved. Damon knew better than anyone what she was capable of. It was why he’d spent the last five years hunting her, but she was slick and was always one step ahead of him. Somehow, always just outside of his grasp.

  “I assume Paige also told you that I have one mission I’m working towards?”

  “You want Serna. Perhaps in saving my niece, you’ll come upon the Queen.”

  Damon smirked. “Perhaps. So what little town has your niece found herself in?”


  To read the rest of my story and the 10 other stories found in this anthology follow the link to TWIST’s Amazon page!

  A Paranormal Anthology with a Twist


  © 2012 by Magen McMinimy

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  About the Author

  I kind of like to think of myself as a normal lady living a semi normal life. I’m not sure that’s all that accurate; I have a sweet husband and two dogs-my girls- that I think of as my children. I grew up in Sonoma County, California and I never pictured myself moving. Funny because now I live in North Idaho and I love it here, I love the summers; camping, bar-b-ques with friends, and the farmers markets. I find the winters magical and I love the snow. I left a lot of amazing friends and an amazing extended family. I met my now husband a few months after the move and was married to him in June of 2006. In 2008 I finished college and became a wedding planner. I love a good party and I live to decorate and make things beautiful and amazing for those around me. In 2010, I suffered a few medical setbacks and I am now considered legally blind and I work each day with a small amount of remaining vision in my left eye.

  I started writing as a hobby. I’ve been one of those people who are obsessed with the world of the paranormal for as long as I can remember. I self published my first book in August of 2011 at my husbands’ urging.

  Life is a constant balance of what we want and what we need. It's also a lot like a Battle. A battle that we all have to fight in our own way. I chose to try and love and cherish every minute that I get to chase my crazy dreams and create a world and characters to get lost in.